Avex inflames JYJ fanbase to make money, without allowing sales to count on Oricon Chart?



Is avex (Japan) releasing JYJ material without allowing the group’s products to be ranked on Oricon’s chart?  The answer is yes. 

The act has been called despicable and unfair by a number of fans familiar with the situation.

While acting as a shill for Korean company SM, avex purposely blocked all of JYJ’s appearances in Japan.  Some say that this was done in order to pressure JYJ to give in, which they didn’t.

The products in question are JYJ’s DVD “Memories in 2010” and it’s “Thanksgiving Live in Dome Live CD”.  Both products were just released on March 2. 

The problem is that avex is refusing to allow any of the total sales to count on the uber important Japanese Oricon chart.

While claiming the release is all for the fans, this release seems to have an obvious purpose: avex can make money off of the massive popularity of JYJ without having it count towards JYJ’s list of accomplishments in Japan.

Oricon released a statement confirming the move and said they have “decided to exclude these products from being ranked (under Oricon),” and asked for understanding.  Well, doesn’t look like they’re going to get it.3

This new affront has hit the fanbase like every other enraging situation JYJ has had to deal with by speaking up against both SM and avex.

At Twitter, the news is all over the place with most of the english comments taking a slap at avex.

“the mistakes of those companies is to take us fans for dumb people with no brain and no education!! Mr Avex and Mr SM you’re awfully wrong!” (http://twitter.com/kattykatea)

“Oh avex, oricon *shakes my head* are you really asking for us to fight you guys too?” (http://twitter.com/Upii_88)

“Avex continues to sell JYJ products but prevent any promotions related to it.. you were afraid they would top the charts huh?” (http://twitter.com/Rosefairyy)

jyc_evo: “To hell with AVEX & SM !!!!!” (http://twitter.com/jyc_evo)

“SM n Avex should get some kind of award for being such a drama queen” (http://twitter.com/CrystalAnh)

“JYJ 2010 memories wont be ranked in oricon despite the high sale. FU AVEX. YOU ARE DEATHEATERS!!!!” (http://twitter.com/blackelementice)

“AVEX’s releasing JYJ DVDs to make profits but doesn’t want to put them on ORICON. OK, AVEX, I can see your true greed there.” (http://twitter.com/JYJUK)

And some fans have found at least one reason why avex may be trying to serve two masters by possibly profiting off of JYJ AND punishing them by not allowing them access to set more records in Japan.

According to recently translated reports from MSN Japan, avex’s profit for their music sector of last quarter decreased by some 10 Billion Yen. That’s 121.55 Million US dollars if the numbers are correct.

Twitter is also buzzing about that as well:

gotamgotam: “Avex’s profit in music sector decreasd last year. No dongbang?” (http://twitter.com/gotamgotam)

endlesskies: “of course AVEX lost alot bc of THSK T_____T they were their BIGGEST $$..”  (http://twitter.com/endlesskies)

JYJislove: “Avex is being a bitch, making money off JYJ yet they can’t count on Oricon. I wonder if they suck up all that $ without giving JYJ a cent.” (http://twitter.com/JYJislove)

hanulleeJYJ: “hahahah how great with this news. Avex you must regret right now..hahah.” (http://twitter.com/hanulleeJYJ)

loveTVXQYunJae: “seems like avex… actually lost quite a huge amount of profit this year compared to last year…” (http://twitter.com/loveTVXQ_YunJae)

JYJislove: “Lol they think those artists from SM can replace JYJ. Hell to the no. Keep the fail coming Avex.” (http://twitter.com/JYJislove)


TjiaMeiLiang: “I hope avex bankrupt because they are doing unfair things with #jyj oppa” (http://twitter.com/TjiaMeiLiang)

And the tweets go on and on like that, with some hurling curse words at avex for even pulling something like this.

I don’t think for one minute avex’s main concern was about JYJ’s fans when deciding to release this footage.  If that were the case, they never would have blocked JYJ from promotional activities in Japan in the first place.  And they certainly wouldn’t STILL be blocking them at this point in time.

If you remember, JYJ accused avex of coercion when avex wanted to sign them to a contract that JYJ and management said was unfair.2

From the translated reports containing statements from CJeS at the time:

Avex put forth conditions that were unfair to the trio unlike their previous contract, and when the trio refused to accept such conditions, Avex stated the gang ties of the head of C-JeS as a reason for canceling the contract.

In addition:

Avex attempted to coerce the trio to comply to changes in the contract, but when the trio refused to agree to such conditions, Avex announced a halt in their activities with no regard to the trio’s opinions

While blocking JYJ’s activities in Japan, they inevitably created a situation where JYJ couldn’t sign with another Japanese company.

More from the reports:

This can be seen as Avex taking all the money that they can from the TVXQ trio and then proceeding to create a situation that makes it impossible for the trio to sign on with any other agency in Japan, thus blocking the trio’s path with regards to Japanese activities. The TVXQ trio had no intentions of stopping their activities in Japan, and the announcement made by Avex reflected only the thoughts of the agency themselves.

And, of course, the company also “coincidentally” (yeah, right) gained access to other SM artists like Super Junior and f(x) AFTER they blocked JYJ activities in Japan. (1)

This situation will continue to play out over time.  But one things for sure, from the information I’ve gleaned, people are not happy at all with this move.  Most don’t seem to believe avex was thinking of the fans by releasing this material, and they certainly want avex to stop making money off JYJ since they themselves continue to suppress the group in Japan.


Source Mat.:


JYJ (Kim Jaejoong, Kim Junsu, Park Yuchun)’s recent DVD and album has been excluded from Japan’s Oricon Chart.

In a notice on the 7th, Oricon announced “we are excluding JYJ’s ‘Memories in 2010′ DVD and ‘Thanksgiving in Dome Live CD’, released on the 2nd, from our ranking.”

The reason is that AVEX, who has the right to JYJ’s albums and DVDs, has canceled its contract with JYJ.

A JYJ representative expressed regret over the current situation in a phone conversation with NewsEn on March 9th. The rep revealed their official position, stating “Even after canceling JYJ’s contract, AVEX is using then to generate more profit. It is necessary that such a business structure be fixed.”

Furthermore, he stated “we are sorry for all the fans who were hurt and disappointed by the recent situation. We will do our best to amicably solve the situation.”

Meanwhile, AVEX in reality kicked JYJ out last October and promised U-Know Yunho and Max Changmin their full support.

Source. http://news.nate.com…/20110309n12293
Translation by. withJYJ (@_withjyj)

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