Who Said Anything Abt. Lee Soo Man? JYJ Song Ban by KBS Provokes Outrage


By banning JYJ’s song Pierrot, has KBS become a shill for SM Entertainment?  Before they could successfully rehabilitate their image for the whole Jeju Island/ambassador concert debacle, KBS seem to be looking for reasons not to have to deal with JYJ.  

At the end of September, KBS stamped JYJ’s Pierrot, written by member Jaejoong, as inappropriate while claiming the song contains a slur against Lee Soo Man.  Lee Soo Man is the (former?) head of the dreaded SM Entertainment (SM), the company with which JYJ are currently involved in  a lawsuit.

KBS made the interpretation that a lyric in the song was referring to “President Soo Man” and deemed it a personal attack on a specific individual.   In the song, there is reference to the letters “P.S.M.”.  There is no mention at all of Lee Soo Man’s name, and no personal threats to the any employee of SM.

Who Said Anything Abt. Lee Soo Man? JYJ Song Ban by KBS Provokes Outrage


By banning JYJ’s song Pierrot, has KBS become a shill for SM Entertainment?  Before they could successfully rehabilitate their image for the whole Jeju Island/ambassador concert debacle, KBS seem to be looking for reasons not to have to deal with JYJ.  

At the end of September, KBS stamped JYJ’s Pierrot, written by member Jaejoong, as inappropriate while claiming the song contains a slur against Lee Soo Man.  Lee Soo Man is the (former?) head of the dreaded SM Entertainment (SM), the company with which JYJ are currently involved in  a lawsuit.

KBS made the interpretation that a lyric in the song was referring to “President Soo Man” and deemed it a personal attack on a specific individual.   In the song, there is reference to the letters “P.S.M.”.  There is no mention at all of Lee Soo Man’s name, and no personal threats to the any employee of SM.