Interview With JYJ on Their Donation to Japan

Q: Your feelings upon first learning of the news of the earthquakes of the 11th?

Junsu: I felt that something quite serious must have happened because during filming in Tokyo the lights and the windows severely shook.

Yoochun: Because it was the day that Junsu was to come back from Tokyo, above all things we confirmed Junsu’s safety first, and also contacted our friends in Japan.

Q: Reason for deciding to donate?

Jaejoong: Japan is a place with people who have supported us for a long time. The desire to give help to a place that is suffering from such a horrible disaster is (I believe) not just ours but the common belief of all people.

JYJ donates 600 million Korean Won to World Vision

Yesterday, JYJ left a heartfelt message fo Japanese fans on their website and created a video as well. Now it has been reported that JYJ has donated 600 million won ($529,000~USD) to World Vision, one of the many relief organizations currently helping areas of Japan that were affected by the earthquake.

JYJ’s Junsu was in Japan on March 10th when the earthquake occurred, but was not directly affected unlike areas such as Sendai and Fukushima. He had been in Japan for his Japanese schedules and was due in Korea for JYJ’s first fanmeeting the next day when the earthquake hit Japan.

The 600 million won that JYJ has donated to World Vision will be used to provide emergency relief in Sendai and Fukushima by sending supplies, helping with the city’s reconstruction and recovery, and opening a shelter program.