Excellent fan account of the SMILE AGAIN fan meeting

Excellent writeup by x_xpaox_x of what happened at the SMILE AGAIN fan meeting with Jaejoong, Junsu and Yoochun

091212 – 재중.유천.준수 SMILE AGAIN Fan Meeting
I don’t know how to begin sharing this. T.T
I cannot explain my happiness… T_________T
And my excitement might not show in how I write now but I know it will show later when I get into details hehe~
Anyway, I hope you guys would find my account of the event very useful~ I was taking down notes while enjoying myself so I don’t forget anything. XD

I live just beside Korea University so I wasn’t in any rush to go to the venue cos it’s really just in my area~ BUT I didn’t know it was way uphill! I climbed my way up and was dead tired when I got there. The venue was so organized with tents arranged by ticket numbers where people can exchange their online reservation printouts to ticket bracelets (if that’s what you call them)…